SODA Multi-Agent Systems (MAGS) Implementation

Multi-Agent Generative System (MAGS) is a type of architecture of autonomous system based on a cohort of AI agents collaborating to each other and external world to achieve a goal set by user.

MAGS seamlessly integrates with Digital Twin technology and Software Defined Vehicle (SDV) approach, creating a dynamic, intelligent ecosystem for automotive innovation that spans from concept to certification and aftersales.

SODA Multi-Agent Generative System (MAGS) - Today

SODA has pioneered an advanced multi-agent systems that revolutionizes the entire automotive development lifecycle. Find details below.

SODA MAGS Implementation Details

  • Architecture: Distributed network of specialized AI agents

  • Integration: Fully integrated with SODA Digital Twin technology and SDV framework

  • Scalability: Designed to handle complex vehicle systems and interactions across the entire development process

Agent Types and Roles

  1. Standards Analysis Agent: Tracks and analyzes updates to automotive standards, assessing ISO documents for clarity and compliance

  2. Requirements Generation Agent: Automatically generates feature library requirement documentation at various levels, from code to architecture

  3. Test Optimization Agent: Analyzes and optimizes unit tests, application tests, and validation scenarios

  4. In-Vehicle Comfort Agent: Integrates with biometric data to dynamically adjust vehicle climate control

  5. Feature Library Specification Agent: Updates documentation based on changes in the Feature Library source code

  6. Collaborative Swarm Agents, including Requirements Assistant, Standards Expert, Automotive Engineer, Systems Architect, Security Analyst, and Critic, working together to generate comprehensive specifications

Deployment Status

  • Successfully deployed across SODA AI Hub, powering various smart apps for vehicle engineering functions

  • Integrated into SODA.Validate as a Co-Pilot, enhancing test creation efficiency

  • Operational in prototype for in-vehicle AI applications

Next Steps

  1. Expand the AI agent pool, currently at over a dozen specialized agents

  2. Further integration of AI Co-Pilots into SODA.Sim and SODA.Create products

  3. Continued development of functional safety and cybersecurity tooling

  4. Exploration of AGI potential and its implications for long-term strategy

Key Metrics

Comparison to Traditional Development Processes - MAGS gives SODA further improvements over current metrics that already ahead of the automotive industry:

  • further imporvement over 2x faster delivery of vehicle software features

  • further imporvement over 4x decrease in overall development costs

  • 80% faster shipping of Feature Library documentation with 90% less human work time

Values Recognized

  • Automated ISO specification analysis, transforming 200-page documents into versioned, prioritized requirements

  • Significant time savings in technical documentation generation (at least 1 month of software developer effort saved in one project)

  • Enhanced test writing efficiency, with AI completing up to 40% of the work volume

  • Improved specification quality, surpassing both non-augmented human and AI-only work

SODA MAGS represents a significant leap forward in automotive AI, enabling us to create smarter, safer, and more efficient vehicles while dramatically streamlining our development processes. By leveraging the power of AI throughout the entire automotive lifecycle, we are setting new standards for innovation, efficiency, and quality in the industry.

SODA Multi-Agent Generative System (MAGS) - Tomorrow

SODA develops multiple new autonomous agents and workflows capable of completing variety of tasks in autonomous mode.

Work-In-Progress Autonomous Agents

These agents are in various stages of development and testing currently

Sustainability and Compliance

  • Sustainability Agent

    • Autonomously assesses the environmental impact of vehicle designs and development processes

    • Proactively suggests eco-friendly alternatives and optimizations

    • Continuously monitors and ensures compliance with evolving environmental regulations

    • Autonomous behavior: Initiates impact assessments whenever new designs are proposed or development processes are modified

  • Safety Compliance Agent

    • Independently monitors and interprets safety regulations across different markets

    • Automatically ensures vehicle designs meet or exceed safety standards

    • Proactively suggests safety enhancements based on autonomous analysis of accident data

    • Autonomous behavior: Triggers design reviews when new safety regulations are detected or when accident data reveals potential safety improvements

Marketing and User Experience

  • Market Trend Analysis Agent

    • Autonomously analyzes social media, news, and market reports in real-time

    • Independently identifies emerging consumer preferences and market trends

    • Provides unsolicited insights for product planning and marketing strategies

    • Autonomous behavior: Generates trend reports at regular intervals and alerts when significant market shifts are detected

  • User Experience Optimization Agent

    • Continuously analyzes user interaction data from vehicles and apps without human intervention

    • Autonomously identifies pain points and areas for improvement in user interfaces

    • Independently suggests and simulates UX enhancements

    • Autonomous behavior: Conducts A/B testing of UX changes in simulated environments and implements successful changes in test fleets

Discovery and Innovation

  • Competitive Analysis Agent

    • Autonomously monitors competitor activities, product launches, and patents

    • Independently analyzes market positioning and technological advancements

    • Proactively provides strategic insights for product differentiation

    • Autonomous behavior: Generates competitive landscape reports and alerts when significant competitor actions are detected

  • Patent Analysis Agent

    • Continuously scans patent databases for relevant automotive technologies

    • Autonomously identifies potential infringement risks

    • Proactively suggests areas for new patent applications

    • Autonomous behavior: Initiates patent filing processes for promising innovations and alerts legal team of potential infringement issues

  • Research Synthesis Agent

    • Independently aggregates and analyzes latest research in automotive technology

    • Autonomously identifies emerging trends and potential breakthrough technologies

    • Generates unsolicited reports and recommendations for R&D focus areas

    • Autonomous behavior: Creates and updates research databases, initiating new research projects based on promising findings

Development and Testing

  • Code Generation Agent

    • Autonomously generates code based on specifications and requirements

    • Independently follows coding standards and best practices

    • Automatically integrates with version control systems

    • Autonomous behavior: Suggests updates in code bases when new coding standards are introduced or when inefficiencies are detected

  • Code Review Agent

    • Independently analyzes code for quality, performance, and adherence to standards

    • Autonomously suggests optimizations and identifies potential bugs

    • Continuously learns from human feedback to improve future reviews

    • Autonomous behavior: Blocks merges of code that doesn't meet quality standards and suggests improvements

  • Continuous Integration Agent

    • Autonomously manages the build and integration process

    • Independently identifies and resolves integration conflicts

    • Proactively optimizes build pipelines for efficiency

    • Autonomous behavior: Dynamically allocates computing resources based on project priorities and deadlines

  • Regression Testing Agent

    • Independently runs regression tests on codebase

    • Autonomously identifies potential regressions early in the development cycle

    • Proactively adapts test suites based on code changes and historical data

    • Autonomous behavior: Generates new test cases based on detected edge cases and user behavior patterns

  • Performance Optimization Agent

    • Continuously analyzes system performance across various scenarios

    • Autonomously suggests optimizations for both software and hardware components

    • Independently simulates different configurations to find optimal settings

    • Autonomous behavior: Implements minor performance tweaks automatically and schedules human review for major changes

Work-In-Progress Autonomous Autonomous Workflows

SODA develops multiple new autonomous workflows listed below.

  • Continuous Compliance and Safety Optimization

    • The Environmental Impact Analysis Agent and Safety Compliance Agent continuously monitor regulations and vehicle performance data

    • They autonomously trigger design reviews and suggest modifications to ensure ongoing compliance and safety improvements

    • The Code Generation Agent and Regression Testing Agent automatically implement and test these changes

  • Market-Driven Innovation Pipeline

    • The Market Trend Analysis Agent, Competitive Analysis Agent, and User Experience Optimization Agent collaboratively identify market opportunities

    • They autonomously brief the Research Synthesis Agent and Patent Analysis Agent to explore technological solutions

    • The Specification Generation Agent and Performance Optimization Agent then work together to describe and refine new features

  • Autonomous Code Quality Management

    • The Code Generation Agent produces initial code based on specifications

    • The Code Review Agent automatically checks the code quality and suggests improvements

    • The Continuous Integration Agent manages the integration of approved code

    • The Regression Testing Agent ensures no new changes have broken existing functionality

    • This cycle continues autonomously, with human intervention only for major decisions or disputes

  • Proactive Patent Strategy

    • The Patent Analysis Agent continuously scans for relevant patents and potential infringements

    • It collaborates with the Research Synthesis Agent to identify patentable innovations in ongoing R&D

    • Together, they autonomously draft preliminary patent applications for human review

  • Self-Optimizing Development Pipeline

    • The Continuous Integration Agent and Performance Optimization Agent continuously analyze the development process

    • They autonomously implement improvements to build times, test efficiency, and resource allocation

    • The system learns from these optimizations over time, becoming increasingly efficient without human intervention

These autonomous agents and workflows represent a highly advanced MAGS that can operate with minimal human oversight, dramatically accelerating the automotive development process while maintaining high standards of quality, safety, and innovation. Human experts are still crucial for high-level decision-making, creative problem-solving, and providing oversight, but the day-to-day operations and many complex tasks are handled autonomously by the system.

Expanded SODA Generative AI Use-Cases

The following section described select use-cases in the context of MAGS in more detail.

A. Automated Requirements Generation

1. AI-powered generation of feature library requirement documentation

SODA's AI agents are capable of automatically generating a significant portion of the feature library requirement documentation. This process involves:

  • Analyzing existing code and system architecture

  • Understanding the context and purpose of each feature

  • Generating comprehensive requirement documents at various levels, from code to architecture

  • Ensuring consistency and clarity in the generated documentation


  • Dramatically reduces the time spent on documentation

  • Ensures consistency across all requirement documents

  • Allows human engineers to focus on higher-level strategic tasks

2. Autonomous creation of specifications from simple prompts

SODA's AI system can generate complete specifications from simple, high-level prompts. This showcases the power of generative AI in understanding complex automotive systems and producing detailed, technically accurate documentation.

Example: Generating EV traction control specifications

  • Input: Simple prompt like "generate a specification for EV traction control"

  • Output: A comprehensive specification document that includes:

    • System overview and objectives

    • Detailed functional requirements

    • Performance criteria

    • Safety considerations

    • Integration requirements with other vehicle systems

    • Testing and validation procedures

This capability demonstrates the AI's deep understanding of automotive systems and its ability to generate contextually relevant, detailed specifications autonomously.

C. Dynamic Code Documentation

1. Feature Library Specification Agent

The Feature Library Specification Agent is an autonomous AI system that:

  • Continuously monitors the Feature Library source code

  • Detects changes and updates in real-time

  • Understands the context and implications of code changes

2. Automatic updating of documentation based on code changes

When the Feature Library Specification Agent detects changes in the source code, it:

  • Analyzes the changes to understand their impact on functionality

  • Automatically updates the relevant documentation to reflect these changes

  • Ensures that documentation remains synchronized with the latest code version


  • Documentation is shipped 80% faster

  • 90% reduction in human work time spent on documentation

  • Ensures documentation is always up-to-date, reducing errors and miscommunication

  • Allows developers to focus on coding rather than documentation maintenance

D. Test Optimization and Generation

1. AI Co-Pilot in SODA.Validate

SODA.Validate incorporates an AI Co-Pilot that assists engineers in writing and optimizing tests. This Co-Pilot:

  • Suggests test cases based on the system under test

  • Helps complete up to 40% of the human work volume in test writing

  • Adapts to specific testing environments and requirements

2. Autonomous generation and adaptation of test cases

The AI system in SODA.Validate goes beyond assistance to autonomously:

  • Generate comprehensive test suites for new features and systems

  • Analyze existing code and requirements to create relevant test cases

  • Adapt test cases based on code changes and historical data

  • Identify potential edge cases that human testers might overlook


  • Accelerates the testing process

  • Improves test coverage and quality

  • Allows for more thorough testing of complex systems

  • Reduces the likelihood of bugs and issues in production

E. Multi-Agent Collaborative Specification Writing

1. Overview of SODA's multi-agent architecture

SODA employs a sophisticated multi-agent system where various specialized AI agents collaborate to produce high-quality specifications. This architecture:

  • Leverages the strengths of different AI models

  • Allows for complex problem-solving through agent interaction

  • Mimics human teamwork in specification development

2. Roles of specialized agents

The multi-agent system includes various specialized agents, each with a specific role:

  • Requirements Assistant: Focuses on crafting clear, concise requirements

  • Standards Expert: Ensures compliance with industry standards and regulations

  • Automotive Engineer: Provides domain-specific knowledge on vehicle systems

  • Systems Architect: Oversees the overall system design and integration

  • Security Analyst: Addresses cybersecurity concerns in specifications

  • Critic: Reviews and challenges specifications to ensure robustness

3. Collaborative generation of high-quality specifications

The multi-agent system works collaboratively to:

  • Generate comprehensive specifications from simple prompts

  • Engage in dialogue and debate to refine specifications

  • Incorporate multiple perspectives to create well-rounded documents

  • Produce specifications that surpass the quality of both non-augmented human and AI-only work


  • Leverages diverse expertise to create more comprehensive specifications

  • Reduces biases and oversights through collaborative review

  • Accelerates the specification process while maintaining high quality

  • Allows for the generation of complex specifications with minimal human input

This multi-agent approach represents a significant advancement in generative AI for automotive development, enabling SODA to produce high-quality, comprehensive specifications efficiently and effectively.

SODA Autonomous Smart Cabin Climate Control System

System Overview

SODA's Smart Cabin Climate Control System is an advanced, AI-driven solution that autonomously manages the vehicle's interior climate. It integrates data from multiple sources and self-optimizes based on various inputs, including user feedback via voice commands.

Key Components

  1. Climate Control Agent

  2. Data Integration Hub

  3. Machine Learning Model

  4. Voice Interface Agent

  5. Optimization Engine

Data Sources

  • Internal cabin sensors (temperature, humidity, air quality)

  • External weather API

  • Smart watch biometric data

  • Vehicle systems (speed, sun exposure, etc.)

  • Historical user preferences

  • Voice command inputs

Autonomous Operation Workflow

1. Data Collection and Integration

The Data Integration Hub continuously collects and processes data from all sources:

class DataIntegrationHub:

    def collect_data(self):

        cabin_data = self.get_cabin_sensors_data()

        weather_data = self.fetch_weather_api()

        biometric_data = self.get_smartwatch_data()

        vehicle_data = self.get_vehicle_systems_data()

        return {**cabin_data, **weather_data, **biometric_data, **vehicle_data}

2. AI Model Prediction

The Machine Learning Model predicts optimal climate settings:

class ClimateMLModel:

    def predict_optimal_settings(self, integrated_data):

        # Use TensorFlow or PyTorch for actual implementation

        return {

            'temperature': 22.5,

            'fan_speed': 3,

            'air_distribution': 'balanced'


3. Autonomous Adjustment

The Climate Control Agent implements the predicted settings:

class ClimateControlAgent:

    def adjust_climate(self, optimal_settings):

        for setting, value in optimal_settings.items():

            self.set_climate_parameter(setting, value)

4. Continuous Optimization

The Optimization Engine fine-tunes the model based on new data and feedback:

class OptimizationEngine:

    def optimize_model(self, new_data, user_feedback):

        self.ml_model.fine_tune(new_data, user_feedback)

5. Voice Feedback Integration

The Voice Interface Agent processes voice commands and integrates them into the system:

class VoiceInterfaceAgent:

    def process_voice_command(self, audio_input):

        command = self.speech_to_text(audio_input)

        if "too cold" in command:

            return {'temperature_adjustment': 1}

        elif "too hot" in command:

            return {'temperature_adjustment': -1}

        # More command processing...

Self-Optimizing Behaviors

  1. Adaptive Learning: The system continuously learns from user behaviors and feedback, adjusting its model to better predict individual preferences.

  2. Contextual Optimization: The AI considers context (e.g., driving to work vs. a leisure trip) to optimize settings.

  3. Proactive Adjustments: Based on learned patterns, the system makes proactive changes. For example, it might start pre-cooling the cabin if it predicts the user will be entering a hot car.

  4. Energy Efficiency: The system optimizes for comfort while minimizing energy consumption, particularly important for electric vehicles.

  5. Health-Focused Adaptations: Using smartwatch data, the system can adjust for health conditions (e.g., lowering temperature if heart rate is elevated).

Example Scenario

  1. User enters the vehicle on a hot day.

  2. System has preemptively cooled the cabin based on weather data and typical usage patterns.

  3. As the journey begins, the system fine-tunes based on smartwatch data indicating the user's body temperature is still elevated.

  4. User says, "It's a bit too cold now."

  5. Voice Interface Agent processes this command:

    adjustment = voice_agent.process_voice_command("It's a bit too cold now")
    climate_agent.adjust_climate({'temperature': current_temp + adjustment['temperature_adjustment']})
  6. System immediately increases temperature slightly and logs this preference.

  7. Optimization Engine updates the ML model to account for this feedback, adjusting future predictions.

Key Aspects of Autonomy and Self-Optimization

  1. Autonomous Decision Making: The system makes climate control decisions without human intervention, based on a wide array of data points.

  2. Real-time Adaptation: Continuously adjusts to changing conditions (weather, user state, vehicle environment).

  3. Personalized Learning: Develops a unique model for each user's preferences over time.

  4. Multimodal Interaction: Integrates implicit (sensor data) and explicit (voice commands) inputs to refine its model.

  5. Predictive Capabilities: Anticipates needs based on learned patterns and current contexts.

  6. Feedback Loop Integration: Rapidly incorporates user feedback to make immediate adjustments and long-term optimizations.

This Smart Cabin Climate Control System exemplifies SODA capability to create autonomous, self-optimizing features that enhance the driving experience. By continuously learning and adapting to user preferences and environmental conditions, the system provides a personalized, comfortable, and efficient cabin environment with minimal need for manual intervention.