Launching SODA.Sim — Your Virtual Proving Ground

, London, United Kingdom

We are proud to announce the launch of SODA.Sim, Vehicle Simulator made to redefine the way to approach vehicle software validation and certification for any vehicle.

SODA.Sim opens the door to unique capabilities in automotive testing and validation:

  • Your Vehicle Digital Twin
    Build a comprehensive digital twin of your vehicle, complete with systems, electronic control units, and an array of components such as radars, lidars, cameras, sensors and more.
  • Early End2end Validation
    Facilitate early and comprehensive integration at both vehicle and system levels with the Hybrid MIL-SIL-HIL capabilities of SODA.Sim paired with the SODA Software Defined Rig.
  • Validation Library Access
    Gain exclusive access to our validation library, equipped with an AI scenario generator and mixer.

SODA.Sim is free and open source. It is built on the Unreal Engine, offers a photorealistic and high-fidelity environment, empowering developers to test and verify vehicles throughout their entire engineering lifecycle.

We invite the engineering community to download, share with peers, and contribute to extending the boundaries of what’s possible in vehicle testing. Together, we aim to set new standards for ease of use, next-gen vehicle functionality, and integrated approaches to automotive engineering.

Get more information about SODA.Sim and download the product:

For collaboration, support, and partnerships, reach us out at [email protected]